

Voice Tracking

Radio Voice
Tracking Presenter

Roberto the radio vocietracking presenter is sat on the floor, leaning against the wall with a small on his face, wearing a pink top and jeans.

Professional Voice Tracking Presenter Services

Hire A Radio Pro!

Are you looking to revamp your radio schedule or kickstart a new radio station, and in need of a dynamic voice tracking announcer capable of delivering shows that sound ‘as live’? With two decades of experience in radio presenting, including hosting programs for some of the UK’s biggest brands, I offer profesional voice tracking presenter services from my own studio.

Radio Presenter And Announcer With Home Studio

What Is A Voice Tracking Presenter?

Voice tracking presenters, sometimes referred to as announcers in various regions, specialize in pre-recording radio shows. They focus on recording the show’s ‘talky bits,’ which consist of the spoken segments between the music. These recorded links are then seamlessly integrated into the radio station’s playout software. This process can be done remotely from the presenter’s home studio (thats mine in the image) or on-site at the radio station.

Image of the home studio Roberto uses for his voice tracking presenter services. To the left of the screen is his big chair, in the middle is the white desk which has two computer monitors above it, along with his microphone. The walls are all covered in acoustic foam for sound proofing

Hire A Radio Voice Tracking Announcer

 Why Me?

I’m deeply passionate about radio and creating shows that relate to listeners lives and the music I’m playing. For me its more than just delivering hastily recorded links to fulfill a job; I invest time and effort into meticulously crafting a show that sounds exceptional. After all, it’s not just a job for me; it’s my reputation on the line.

First Class Radio Presenter

I’ve hosted shows on the biggest brands in the UK; my voice is familiar to many thanks to presenting national shows on Capital FM for five years and as a Heart FM presenter for ten years.

Voice Tracking Experience

My national shows were networked across the UK, with local splits recorded for each TSA. This meant pre-recording ‘as live’ links for each station before the live show started. I was effectively doing lots of voice tracked shows across the UK, every day. On both Capital and Heart, I achieved the accolade of most listened to show on commercial radio for the day parts presented (mid mornings and evenings).

Technical Excellence

My home studio is built with industry leading equipment found in world class radio studios around the world, including the Neumann U87AI microphone and TC Electronics Finaliser. This delivers crystal clear, broadcast standard audio. The studio also has a 1GB internet connection, along with the facility to take phone calls for on-air use and interviews.

A Ninja With Voice Tracking Software

Zetta2Go is my choice for voice tracking, it’s so versatile, simple but powerful to use. Having said that, I’m comfortable with all systems and have used most. I’m extremly competent when it comes to using radio playout systems for voice tracked shows, ensuring the output sounds the best it can.

Genre and Style Chameleon

I’m a music dj at heart; with a passion for all types of music. Whatever you play, I’ll always do my research to ensure I’m passionate about the music, loving it as much as the listener and the tone and style are in harmony with your brand.

Does Your Voice tracking Sound Live?

Have A Listen

This audio is from voice-tracked radio shows I’ve personally recorded. To me, the essence of being a proficient voice tracking presenter is the skill to exude a live broadcast feel while operating in a pre-recorded environment. This involves reproducing the energy, passion, and enthusiasm that you would experience if I was in the studio performing the show in real-time.

Have Me On Your Radio Station

Like what you hear and want to talk more about using my voice tracking presenter services for your radio station? Great news! Tell me what you require, maybe a mid morning show announcer, a drivetime presenter or something else. Let me have those details via the form below and I’ll get back to you to chat more.