Weight Loss Help

My Weight Loss Journey
The ‘been there,
done that’ guide to
weight loss!
If you’d met me when I was 21 you would have been shocked. I was morbidly obese (23½ stone to be precise, roughly 331 pounds), unfit and demotivated. Oh, and I had a hole in my heart. Doctors warned me that if I carried on the way I was I’d be lucky to reach 30.
I’d tried. Boy had I tried. I tried the grape diet, Slimfast, counting calories… you name it. The weight would shift a bit, I’d lose interest and the pounds would pile back on.

My Weight Loss Journey
The ‘been there, done that’ guide to weight loss!
If you’d met me when I was 21 you would have been shocked. I was morbidly obese (23½ stone to be precise, roughly 331 pounds), unfit and demotivated. Oh, and I had a hole in my heart. Doctors warned me that if I carried on the way I was I’d be lucky to reach 30.
I’d tried. Boy had I tried. I tried the grape diet, Slimfast, counting calories… you name it. The weight would shift a bit, I’d lose interest and the pounds would pile back on.

How Do You Lose Weight?
The Secret To Weight Loss
I found something that worked for me, and I believe it can work for anyone. It involved going to the gym just twice a week for twenty minutes and eating little and often. Interested? Drop me a line and I will happily tell you more.
I’d wasted time looking for the answers to ‘how to lose 1kg in a week’, ‘how to stick to a diet’ and ‘can you lose weight by not eating’, and tried every answer, with very little to show for results. But with the method mentioned above, I lost ten stone and my life changed! I not only achieved my weight loss goal, but my goal in radio, and personal goals, soon followed. I put it down to the increased confidence I had in my new body.
My weight loss journey inspired me to learn more about the body; I wanted to help others who were struggling to lose weight. In 2017 I qualified as a personal trainer and achieved a certificate in Advanced Nutrition for Weight Management. From that, came The Secrets Of Weight Loss podcast.
How Do You Lose Weight?
The Secret To Weight Loss
I found something that worked for me, and I believe it can work for anyone. It involved going to the gym just twice a week for twenty minutes and eating little and often. Interested? Drop me a line and I will happily tell you more.
I’d wasted time looking for the answers to ‘how to lose 1kg in a week’, ‘how to stick to a diet’ and ‘can you lose weight by not eating’, and tried every answer, with very little to show for results. But with the method mentioned above, I lost ten stone and my life changed! I not only achieved my weight loss goal, but my goal in radio, and personal goals, soon followed. I put it down to the increased confidence I had in my new body.
My weight loss journey inspired me to learn more about the body; I wanted to help others who were struggling to lose weight. In 2017 I qualified as a personal trainer and achieved a certificate in Advanced Nutrition for Weight Management. From that, came The Secrets Of Weight Loss podcast.

Weight Loss Podcast
My weight loss
Creating a podcast for weight loss was a no brainer. I had my own home studio and a positive and inspiring story to tell. As the ‘Secrets to Weight Loss’ podcast grew, I began to share other successful weight loss stories to encourage and motivate listeners to achieve their goals.
The first series is packed with real life stories of people who have lost weight and kept it off; they’ve tried the fads, experienced the lows and ultimate achieved the highs of losing weight and being the person they want to be. They share their stories and how they did it.
Lose Weight And Keep It Off
Listen Now
If you’re serious about losing weight, you can listen to ‘The Secrets of Weight Loss’ wherever you get your podcasts – or click the link below.